We are a financial education and financial empowerment platform designed to educate, inform and enrich the understanding of money and issues around money. Globally, it has been shown that people with a high level of financial intelligence enjoy better standards of living because they can profitably exploit the economic opportunities around them, which make them financially wealthy and wealthier than those with less financial intelligence.
This site will provides information that will enable individuals make more informed decisions about money whether they want to make more money, invest it or even spend it.
Financial Education
We also carry out financial education activities among schools, artisans, traders and others to improve financial intelligence and inclusion and also publish financial education materials. Corporate bodies and financial institutions seeking to sponsor or partner any of our financial education activities can send us a mail (info@moneyissues.ng) or call Funke on 08116759771
Financial Advice
If you have money issues and you want us to point you in the right direction, you can also send us a mail. But note, we are not financial advisers or a charity. We do not give out money or financial advice. We can only point you to recognized financial advisers in Nigeria.
If you are interested in advertising on our website, or sponsoring any of our financial education activities, or financial education materials and resources call 08116759771 Or send us a mail on
If you want know more about us, send us a mail at info@moneyissues.ng or moneyissuesng@gmail.com
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Or follow us on twitter @moneyissuesng
This is an FTI Communication Website.
We are experts in financial writing, content development, and editing and perception management.