Here are four marketing tips for small businesses:
Customer service
Customer service is the number one competitive strength for any start-up. Every new business is testing a new idea, business model or product, which may already be in the market. How you deliver that idea or product can make the difference between success and failure. Building an excellent customer service culture is fundamental to the success of any business especially when it is new.
Tap into social media
Learn to tap into social media. Social media has reduced the cost of reaching the customer. Before the advent of social media, the cost of reaching the customer could be quite steep, but social media has leveled the playing field for all businesses whether new or old. So, improve your chances of success by networking on facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, twitter, Blackberry, Whatsapp and any social media platform that puts you or your product in the face of your customers
Focus on what you know how to do best
Focus on what you know how to do best. Resist the pressure to diversify your business into too many areas which may force you to move into businesses that you have no expertise in or eat up your capital too early. Focus your seed capital and resources in the areas where you have your most strength until you master it enough to compete with the best in the field.
Earn your customers goodwill
As they say, no advertisement can be as good as word of mouth advertising from customers. So, simply be so good in what you do that your customers start naturally recommending what you do to others. There is no bigger testimonial for your work than earning customer referrals. But remember it also works the opposite way. There is nothing that can kill your business faster than customers bad mouthing your business. So, always deliver such awesome service or products that customers naturally recommend you to their friends who also become your customers.