How Much Do You Spend on Weekends?

FridaySaturday, and Sunday seem to the days you record the biggest amount in spending you money. These three days of the week are not usually as hectic as the other days of the week.

You are more likely to close early from work on a Friday than the other preceding days. That is to say; there are activities that take place during FridaySaturday, and Sunday. These events could impact negatively on your spending habit if not adequately controlled.

On Friday, you are likely going to attend a night party. On a Saturday, you are likely going to hang out with a friend or a colleague. The same thing applies to Sunday. All these schedules have a serious impact on your finances. 

Because of this, spending your money wisely is an invaluable skill you could ever learn in your early days. I said early days because it’s going to shape you as you journey into adulthood. Therefore, it is imperative to start learning the fundamentals.

Have you ever calculated how much you spend on a weekly basis? This is a question everybody should ask if spending money must be controlled. In the Nigerian climate, the situation is just unbearable. The prices of groceries keep skyrocketing thereby putting consumers in a spot that doesn’t favor them.

However, certain factors would actually determine how much you spend weekly. These factors range from your income level, if you are married or single, your family, the price of goods and services in the market, etc.

Curtail Weekend Activities

There are lots of fun activities that span across FridaySaturday, and Sunday.

Going to night parties is fun, but then, you are likely going to spend more than when you don’t attend at all. You can make it a bi-weekly activity or even monthly.

The same thing goes to hanging out with friends at a restaurant where food and drinks are usually expensive. It shouldn’t be a weekly hangout. These activities are money drainers which should be avoided altogether.

Anybody who cares about finance should know that money is a tool that needs to be controlled.


Another strategy that would help you spend wisely during the week is to cook a meal. Having your meal prepared in large scale and preserving them in a freezer is a tip for this point.

The weekend should not be a week of eating at a restaurant when you are in a position to prepare a meal that could last throughout the week.

Buy Groceries in Large Scale

Shop either on a Friday or Saturday on a great scale if you have the resources and preserve them.

The essence of buying in large scale is to reduce cost when you buy in large quantity; there is a slim chance of buying them expensive.

Another advantage is that in subsequent weeks you are going to spend less and focus on other financial aspects of your life.


Never join the bandwagon of those who believe that it’s a must you spend extravagantly on weekend days. Apply those tricks, and you would realize how much you would be saved annually.